Meet the Team! Nibbles, Networking and the Future of CTA

 Registration is closed for this event



We’re delighted to invite CTA members in Scotland to ‘Meet the Team!’ at our workspace in Glasgow.

Join us for a special informal gathering and buffet lunch on Wednesday 14 August to:

  • Meet Victoria, CTA’s CEO, as well as David, Lara and Nicola, CTA’s Team Scotland
  • Learn more about our plans for the future of CTA and your member benefits
  • Connect with other Community Transport operators
  • Share your challenges, ideas and priorities to shape CTA’s work
  • Check out CTA’s modern workspace in the heart of Glasgow!

You can register to attend below. Please note spaces are very limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If you’d like to attend, please register ASAP.

If you can no longer attend, please let us know, so we can let someone else take your space.


  • 12.30pm – 1.15pm         Lunch & Networking
  • 1.15pm – 1.25pm           Welcome - David Kelly, Director for Scotland, CTA
  • 1.25pm – 1.40pm           The Future of CTA - Dr Victoria Armstrong, CEO, CTA
  • 1.40pm – 1.55pm            Q&A / Discussion
  • 1.55pm – 2.15pm            Our Work in Scotland - David Kelly, Director, CTA; Lara Henderson, Development Officer, CTA; and Nicola Mitchell, Development Officer, CTA
  • 2.15pm – 2.30pm            Q&A / Discussion
  • 2.30pm – 2.55pm            Your Priorities
  • 2.55pm – 3pm                  Thank You - David Kelly, Director for Scotland
  • 3pm – 3.30pm                  Networking & Close

Further Information

Visit to see our full programme of online and in-person events. Email if you’ve any questions or suggestions.

14th August 2024 from 12:30 PM to  3:30 PM
M2:13, Level 2, Clockwise,
Savoy Tower
77 Renfrew Street
Glasgow, GLG G2 3BZ
United Kingdom