North West Community Transport Forum

 Registration is closed for this event
Register and attend the CTA regional forum - as well as being a platform for exchanging ideas we are taking forward actions that matter to the region.



The CTA has introduced 11 regional forums that will play a central role in the conneCTing initiative. These forums are not just a platform for exchanging ideas or holding debates but will also have a set of region-specific action items that they will focus on to establish and maintain connectivity in their respective areas. The CTA will oversee this work and prioritise the most important actions. Additionally, we will disseminate the knowledge and insights gained through this process across England.


To do this the forum is open to all Community Transport providers and other charities, not for profit organisations and stakeholders who have an interest in community and accessible transport in the North West region.


In the first forum for this region the group raised as regional issues: How CT can connect into Health systems more effectively and the need for a Shared Booking Platforms inclusive of Community Transport, among other topics that were raised as national priorities. We will be confirming these topics during this forum and collecting other relevant issues that can be included on the region’s action plan and solved collaboratively.


We have similar forums operating across England, if you work outside of this region please see our other events for the forum in your area. Find your forum here 



21st September 2023 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Virtual - Via Zoom
United Kingdom