CTA Community Building Session
The Focus for this Months Session is - Campaigning for Change: A Manifesto for Community Transport
Join us for this interactive presentation and workshop session on how CTA and CTA members will come together to campaign for change in 2024. You’ll have the opportunity to a) learn more about and get a preview of CTA’s Manifesto; b) have the final say on our key messages and recommendations; and c) shape and be part of our campaign to engage and influence party candidates and leaders across the UK.
Running a Community Transport Organisation can be incredibly rewarding, with enormous opportunities to support communities and make an impact. Consequently, CT services can be challenging and somewhat isolated, especially when you need advice, a sounding board or want to chat through an issue or development opportunity.
For this reason, CTA is building on the success of our national advice helpline and the ‘Advice Drop Ins’ introduced during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, and relaunching it with a new name, Community Building Sessions. We recognise that our members face unique challenges and that the support of peers who understand those challenges can be incredibly valuable.
Our goal is to make these sessions more engaging, interactive and to foster a sense of community among all of us who are working to improve transport services in our communities.
The sessions run every 3rd Friday of the month, and will create additional opportunities for us all to:
- Discuss any issues relating to CT in an open and supportive environment.
- Uncover emerging trends such as decarbonisation, climate actions, funding opportunities or any updates across the sector.
- Network and build connections with members across regional and national boundaries.
- Resolve complex or sensitive queries from members through peer-to-peer learning.
- Gather intelligence and ideas from CTOs about what’s happening in the sector to feed into CTA's policy, influencing and campaign work.
- Connect with CT Operators across regional/national boundaries.
- Gather feedback from members on how CTA can better support their cause.
We can't wait to welcome you along to our Community Building Sessions, make sure to update your diaries and register now!
United Kingdom